var myCanvas; var about; var about_active = false; var about_button; // config var websocket_uri = "ws://"; // Connect to the websocket - provides a stream of tx, block, and mempool data var debug = false; // set this to true to show debug stats on the screen // Actual Mempool Size (for comparison and debugging) var mempool_messages = 0; var actual_mempool = {}; // Clicks var clicks = 0; // Connection var problem = false; var problem_message; // Style var bg = 22; // Display var show_values = true; // toggle btc price of each ball on/off with ENTER Key var ball_dimension = 'value'; // Meters var tx_total_value = 0; var tx_total_size = 0; var tx_count = 0; var block_count = 0; // Record! var bounce_record = 0; var records_set = 0; // keep track of how many times a new record has been set var bounces_above = 0; // keep track of how many balls make it above the top of the screen // Regulation var balls_waiting = []; // this is global in scope (i.e. for the draw() loop) var balls = []; let next_tx = 0; let interval_tx = 500; // milliseconds between new balls var blocks_waiting = []; var blocks = []; let next_block = 0; let interval_block = 1000; // milliseconds between new blocks // Time var unixtime = Math.floor( / 1000); // for calculating time since last block // BTC Prices var price = {}; var currency_select = 1; var price_array = []; var currency_array = []; // e.g. BTC, USD, GBP - match indexes with price_array - [ ] can do better than having 2 separate arrays for this var currency_sign_array = []; // e.g. $, £ // Sound var sound; // Waiting for Transactions function Waiting() { this.l = 44; this.update = function() { // this.l = map(millis(), 0, 10000, 44, 100, true); // go from dark to bright over the course of a 10 seconds // console.log(this.l); } = function() { textAlign(CENTER); textSize(24); fill(this.l); text("Waiting For New Transactions", windowWidth/2, 28); } } function preload() { // preload stuff (before setup() and all other p5 stuff) // Sound // sound = loadSound("droplet.mp3"); // sound.rate(1); // change speed and pitch of the sound // Font myFont = loadFont('assets/whitrabt.ttf'); } function aboutSwitch() { if (about_active == false) { myCanvas.hide();; about_active = true; } else {; about.hide(); about_active = false; } } function setup() { // Color colorMode(HSB); // 360, 100, 100, 1 // Canvas myCanvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); myCanvas.parent('sketch'); // show the sketch in a specific div // About about = select("#about"); about_button = select("#button"); about_button.position(8, 8); about_button.mousePressed(aboutSwitch); // Font textFont(myFont); // Create Mempool area mempool = new Mempool(); // Create Blockchain area blockchain = new Blockchain(); // Create Donations box donations = new Donations(); // Waiting For Transactions waiting = new Waiting(); // Attach callback function to websocket event in the setup... var ws = new WebSocket(websocket_uri); ws.onmessage = function(s) { // s contains everything about the message // Parse json data json = JSON.parse(; if (json.type == 'status') { if (json.message == 'fail') { // e.g. server.rb not running problem = true; problem_message = "Couldn't connect to live transaction stream."; } if (json.message == 'closed') { // e.g. server.rb stops running problem = true; problem_message = "Connection to live transaction stream has closed. Try refreshing browser in a sec."; } } if (json.type == 'tx') { // Donation Incoming! if (json.donation) { donations.incoming++; // add to number of donations incoming } // Only add balls to array if the window is focused (prevent a torrent of backed up balls) if (focused) { // [x] Create a new transaction object (just a circle), pass it data ball = new Ball(json); // [x] 3. Add transaction to waiting list balls_waiting.push(ball); //console.log(json); } // Add to meters while away (instead of adding after ball is dropped below window) if (!focused) { // Add ball to list to be dropped even if the window isn't focused if (json.donation) { ball = new Ball(json); balls_waiting.push(ball); } // Otherwise, don't add ball to waiting list and just update meters instead else { tx_total_value += json.value; tx_total_size += json.size; mempool.count += 1; // mempool object count mempool.size += json.size; // mempool object count // tx/s tx_count += 1; } } } if (json.type == 'block') { console.log("Block Message..."); // Allow block to update mempool as it passes over it if (focused) { let block = new Block(json, true); // block was in focus, so it will update mempool as it passes through it blocks_waiting.push(block); console.log("Block Added Focused: " + block.count); console.log("Mempool Count: " + block.mempool_count); } // Immediately update mempool and start block in bottom position if (!focused) { let block = new Block(json, false); // let block know that we were not focused when it was created blocks.push(block); // still want blocks to be added to array for displaying purposes // Get count and size of all live balls that are yet to enter and update the mempool let balls_active_count = balls.length + balls_waiting.length; let balls_active_size = 0; for (let ball of balls) { balls_active_size += ball.size; } for (let ball_waiting of balls_waiting) { balls_active_size += ball_waiting.size; } // Update mempool seeing as we are away from the screen block_count += 1; // count block as mined mempool.count = block.mempool_count - balls_active_count; // update mempool with information contained in the block mempool.size = block.mempool_size - balls_active_size; console.log("Block Added Not Focused: " + block.count); console.log("Mempool Count: " + block.mempool_count); } } if (json.type == 'mempool') { // mempool message gets sent early so you get a starting state for the mempool // Only use first mempool message to set initial state if (mempool_messages < 1) { mempool.count = json.count; // set initial mempool count mempool.size = json.size; // set initial mempool size mempool_messages += 1; // counter } // Use all messages to store actual mempool for comparison and debugging actual_mempool = json; } if (json.type == 'prices') { price = json; // console.log(price.USD); // Arrays of prices [ ] Must be a better way than having 2 separate arrays (one for the currency name) price_array[0] = 1; // ["BTC", 1]; price_array[1] = price.USD; // ["USD", price.USD]; price_array[2] = price.GBP; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; price_array[3] = price.EUR; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; price_array[4] = price.JPY; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; price_array[5] = price.CNY; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; price_array[6] = price.CHF; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; price_array[7] = price.AUD; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[0] = "BTC"; // ["BTC", 1]; currency_array[1] = "USD"; // ["USD", price.USD]; currency_array[2] = "GBP"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[3] = "EUR"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[4] = "JPY"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[5] = "CNY"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[6] = "CHF"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_array[7] = "AUD"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[0] = "Ƀ"; // ["BTC", 1]; currency_sign_array[1] = "$"; // ["USD", price.USD]; currency_sign_array[2] = "$"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[3] = "€"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[4] = "¥"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[5] = "¥"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[6] = "CHF"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; currency_sign_array[7] = "$"; // ["GBP", price.GBP]; } }; } function draw() { // myCanvas.hide(); // Redraw background constantly background(0, 0, bg); // Single Color Hue website background = 46 // Problem? if (problem) { fill(0, 100, 100); // red textSize(28); textAlign(CENTER); text(problem_message, windowWidth/2, 56); } // Logo noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 8); textSize(56); textAlign(CENTER); text("bitcoinrain", windowWidth/2, windowHeight/2); // tx/s tps = (tx_count / (millis() / 1000)).toFixed(1); // millis() = p5js time since program started textSize(26); text(tps + " tx/s", windowWidth/2, (windowHeight/2)+36); // btc/s if (ball_dimension == 'value') { fill(0, 0, 59); } else { fill(0, 0, 8); } textSize(22); textAlign(RIGHT); // price_per_s (based on selected currency on mouseWhel, using an array of currency values) total_in_currency = (tx_total_value / 100000000) * price_array[currency_select]; // using chosen currency to display currency_per_s = (total_in_currency / (millis() / 1000)).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,'); text(currency_per_s + " " + currency_array[currency_select] + "/s", width - 10, mempool.y - 10); // kb/s if (ball_dimension == 'size') { fill(0, 0, 59); } else { fill(0, 0, 8); } textSize(22); textAlign(LEFT); kb_per_s = (tx_total_size / 1000 / (millis() / 1000)).toFixed(2); text(kb_per_s + " kb/s", 10, mempool.y - 10); // Transactions // Regulate the interval of adding balls if the number of waiting balls starts to back up interval_tx = map(balls_waiting.length, 0, 100, 500, 50); if (millis() > next_tx) { // millis() = time since program started // Add a ball to live balls only if we have one if (balls_waiting.length > 0) { let a = balls_waiting.shift(); // get the first one balls.push(a); // add it to end of live balls // Remove donation incoming message if we have just made a donation ball go live if (a.donation) { donations.incoming--; // subtract from incoming donations count } // tx/s tx_count += 1; } // set the time the next ball can be added next_tx += interval_tx; } // Transactions if (balls.length > 0) { // Display and update live balls if there are any // Show for (i=0; i mempool.y + (balls[i].d/2)) { // distance below mempool line > ball radius // Only add balls to meter if they have not already passed the mempool line if (balls[i].counted == false) { // Add ball to mempool count mempool.count += 1; mempool.size += balls[i].size; // Add it's value to the counter tx_total_value = tx_total_value + balls[i].value; // Add it's size to meter (for kb/s) tx_total_size = tx_total_size + balls[i].size; // Mark it as counted so it isn't constantly increasing counts balls[i].counted = true; } } // [x] Remove ball from array if runs well below mempool line if (balls[i].y > mempool.y + (balls[i].d*2)) { // Remove ball balls.splice(i, 1); } } } // Mempool; mempool.update(); // update the top height of box based on number of txs in the mempool // Blockchain; blockchain.update(); // update the width when canvas expands // Donations; donations.update(); // Waiting if (tx_count == 0) { // show note while we're waiting for the first transaction to come through; waiting.update(); } // Update Time unixtime = Math.floor( / 1000); // Blocks // Regulator if (millis() > next_block) { // millis() = time since program started // Add a ball to live balls only if we have one if (blocks_waiting.length > 0) { a = blocks_waiting.shift(); // get the first one blocks.push(a); // add it to end of live balls } // set the time the next ball can be added next_block += interval_block; } // Show Blocks for (i=0; i